For CEO's
CompassASSIST is a bespoke combination of operational analysis, online coaching and change management.
As the CEO you have to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions. You also have to have a comprehensive understanding of how all your departments operate.
One of your most important departments is facilities. If it isn’t working at an optimal level if will affect every other department. It is also one of your biggest financial expenditures.
Could you discover ways that your facilities department could be improved?
With CompassASSIST, you can transform your facilities department into one that maximises revenue within a harmonious and productive work environment. The CompassASSIST team is here to assist you in achieving your goals.
For Facility Managers
As a Facility Manager you probably feel deeply frustrated that despite the efforts you put into your work on a daily basis, you still always have tasks left to do or you may go as far as regularly bring work home, just to get it done.
It can seem that everyone is looking for your help yet when you need assistance it is hard to find. Some days you might find yourself questioning whether you are cut out for this and contemplate packing it all in.
We are here to tell you DON’T, because YOU can do this!
The truth is it’s not your fault. You trained to become an expert in your field, not a 'Jack of all trades', a diplomat or mother hen'.
By implementing CompassASSIST, you will provide yourself and your facilities team with targeted training and professional development opportunities. We will equip you and them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources will empower handling responsibilities with confidence and ease, reduce stress and increase efficiency. This approach reduces stress by minimizing micromanagement and giving individuals a sense of control over their work.
Let CompassASSIST be your trusted partner in building your ideal workplace for your own and your team's success.